Interior Collage

Carlisle Tire & Wheel Property — Project Update

Welcome to the Carlisle Tire & Wheel Property project update page. This is the first of a series of planned monthly updates as work progresses at the former Carlisle Tire & Wheel property. These updates will coincide with REIT&W participation in public meetings to provide the community with an opportunity to ask questions and provide input.

For more up to date information, please send all inquiries via e-mail to or call 631-479-3161.

November 2013 Update:

A permit for storm water discharges and sediment control has been approved by PADEP after a 4-month delay and demolition activities have resumed at the former Tire & Wheel property. The work activities will include demolition of all remaining above ground structures; debris removal; completion of concrete and masonry crushing and grading; removal of an underground storage tank and installation of surface runoff, sediment and erosion controls. The remaining demolition phase is expected to be completed in 8 to 10-weeks. Environmental studies will begin after the demolition activities are completed.

August 2013 Update:

All above ground structures except for the 2-storage silos have been taken down at the Carlisle Tire and Wheel site. Demolition activities have been temporarily halted as we are awaiting the approval of a PADEP permit required to assure that there is proper sediment and runoff control in place at the site before the remaining work continues. Recognizing the importance of our project, PADEP and the Cumberland County Conservation District have expedited the application and review process so that activities can resume as quickly as possible. The demolition contractor is expected to resume with the removal of debris, silos, slabs and foundations in September which is expected to take 6 to 8 weeks to complete. In the meantime, the environmental assessment activities have begun with the selection and hiring of contractors required to perform this work. Field work for this phase of the project will begin shortly after the site is cleared of debris to provide access to study areas.

April 2013 Update:

We are pleased to report that the above grade demolition of the former Carlisle Tire & Wheel buildings is expected to be 98% completed by May 1st, 2013. Despite delays in repairing aged water mains leading into the property, with assistance from the Borough of Carlisle, the demolition activities remain close to schedule. Repairs to the water mains are necessary prior to removing several of the remaining buildings onsite. The smokestack and silos will be the last above ground structures to be taken down after most of the site debris is removed (est. late May). The next stage of the demolition program to remove and crush the concrete slabs and sub-grade structures has begun and is expected to continue through the end of June. The site will be graded and secured at the completion of demolition activities. We have solicited bids for completion of environmental studies which are currently being reviewed. This work expected to begin shortly after demo is completed.

Carlisle Logo Demolition Carlisle Logo Demolition Carlisle Logo Demolition
(Click on picture to view larger version)

January 2013 Update:

Thanks to the efforts of Representative Bloom, Borough Councilmen Matt Madden and the Borough's Public Works Department, the iconic logo that stood over the main entrance to the former Carlisle Tire & Wheel plant was preserved for future generations to admire. Several Borough Public Works employees carefully removed the beautiful mosaic piece without damaging any of the tiles which were secured directly to the buildings structural masonry. According to Mike Keiser, Carlisle Public Works Director, "it was a delicate process which took careful planning and skill of several key Public Works staff possessing building construction experience, to preserve the mosaic." The mosaic is currently in storage and the Borough plans to display the piece at some future date to commemorate Carlisle's industrial heritage.

Carlisle Logo Mosiac Carlisle Logo Mosiac
(Click on picture to view larger version)

December 2012 Update:

RE Invest LLC is pleased to announce that full scale demolition of the former Carlisle Tire & Wheel factory is now underway. The diagram below depicts our estimated monthly schedule for the removal of exterior building structures. The factory will be removed in three major phases as shown by the colored shading in the diagram. Weather and site conditions will dictate exactly when each section is removed, but we are hopeful to stay on schedule.

Carlisle Demolition Schedule
(Click on picture to view larger version)

June 2012 Update:

Universal Wrecking (URC) was selected in June to perform site demolition at the former Carlisle Tire & Wheel Property. The building located on the 9-acre parcel between North College Street and Factory Street will be demolished to grade. The work is expected to be completed within a 6-month timeframe beginning the last week of July. Demolition of buildings will take place after equipment in the building and asbestos is removed. Structural demolition is anticipated to begin in the September-October timeframe. RE-Invest is in the process of scheduling a meeting with the Carlisle Business District to update the community and field questions about the progress of the site demolition and development activities. The date of the meeting will be announced shortly.